But depend on the plan you will choose from BenifMe you can assure yours return, i.e. will better that the market, same time you can continue use BenifMe service for free, and decide later.
We will calculate your return daily and top-up it monthly to you account, so it means you are not limited to choose you plan during any days you want, as well as exit any day and take full amount of your return as far today.
Transaction costsWhenever you invest your money, whether it's in a pension, ISA or other investment product, there is transactions costs, compliance cost, especially when it touch to the well established funds like Vanguard.
These costs consist of bank fees, brokerage fees, management fees, and more.
These costs are huge, and usually other brokers hide these cost into endless policies etc.
BenfiMe will cover all these costs on its own to make it easier for you.
Early withdrawal feeDrawing down from your savings with BenifMe is completely free, unless you withdraw everything within 6 months of having a live balance with us or the balance of your account is less than $100 at the point of withdrawal (a full withdrawal fee of £100 will apply). All our figures include VAT where applicable.
There are two simple reasons for that:
In many cases, people act emotionally, but finances and investments are rational, so with the early withdrawal fee, we just want to warn you against the wrong irrational actions, which can be cause of your lost.
As it mentioned BenefitMe covers all the third party cost on the way to your well-being future, so we simply need to cover that fees from the return our clients get in average during 6 months.
The plan’s descriptionThere are several investment terms that are used in plan descriptions and should be understood by clients:
- Average annual return (AAR) – is a percentage used when reporting the historical return, such as the three-, five-, and 10-year average returns of a fund. In its simplest terms, the average annual return (AAR) measures the money made or lost by a fund over a given period.
- Monthly subscription – the subscription price is the static price that customers have to pay on a monthly basis to use a product or special features of that product. A subscription allows one customer to get long-term access to a product or service instead of a large one-time payment.
- Income floor – the minimum income level is the assumed income level that BenifMe uses to calculate customer payouts. In the event that a client's return is below the minimum income level, the client's return will be calculated using the minimum income level and not the actual return. If the client's return exceeds the minimum income level, the client's income will be equal to all return for the period.
- Income cap - the maximum income level that BenifMe used to calculate payments to clients, regardless of the actual investment return from the client's savings.